【脚本案例】rd_Slicer 图层切割为矩阵


【脚本案例】rd_Slicer 图层切割为矩阵


// AES:https://aescripts.com/rd-slicer/
// 中文:https://www.yuelili.com/?p=18046

// rd_Slicer.jsx
// Copyright (c) 2006-2013 redefinery (Jeffrey R. Almasol). All rights reserved.
// check it: www.redefinery.com
// Name: rd_Slicer
// Version: 3.0
// Description:
// This script displays a palette with controls for slicing the selected layer
// into a grid. Slicing works best with non-rotated layers. If a parent null 
// layer is created, it will be anchored at the layer's current anchor point.
// You can shrink each slice's mask by increasing the Margin value (in pixels),
// and rounding its corners by increasing the Roundness value (percentage of
// half the shorter of the layer's width or height).
// Note: This version of the script requires After Effects CS5 
// or later. It can be used as a dockable panel by placing the 
// script in a ScriptUI Panels subfolder of the Scripts folder, 
// and then choosing this script from the Window menu.
// Originally requested by Anthony Lassiter and Chris Meyer.
// Enhancements requested by Matt Silverman.
// Legal stuff:
// This script is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, expressed
// or implied. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages 
// arising in any way from the use of this script.
// In other words, I'm just trying to share knowledge with and help out my
// fellow AE script heads, so don't blame me if my code doesn't rate. :-)

// rd_Slicer()
// Description:
// This function contains the main logic for this script.
// Parameters:
// thisObj - "this" object.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
(function rd_Slicer(thisObj)
    // Globals

    var rd_SlicerData = new Object();   // Store globals in an object
    rd_SlicerData.scriptName = "rd: Slicer";
    rd_SlicerData.scriptTitle = rd_SlicerData.scriptName + " v3.0";

    rd_SlicerData.strRows = {en: "Rows:"};
    rd_SlicerData.strCols = {en: "Cols:"};
    rd_SlicerData.strMargin = {en: "Margin:"}
    rd_SlicerData.strRoundness = {en: "Roundness:"};
    rd_SlicerData.strParentNull = {en: "Parent to null layer"};
    rd_SlicerData.strUseAlphaAdd = {en: "Use Alpha Add blending mode"};
    rd_SlicerData.strSlice = {en: "Slice"};
    rd_SlicerData.strHelp = {en: "?"}
    rd_SlicerData.strErrNoCompSel = {en: "Cannot perform operation. Please select or open a single composition in the Project panel, and try again."};
    rd_SlicerData.strErrNoSingleAVLayerSel = {en: "Cannot perform operation. Please select a single video or solid layer, and try again."};
    rd_SlicerData.strMinAE100 = {en: "This script requires Adobe After Effects CS5 or later."};
    rd_SlicerData.strHelpText = 
        en: "Copyright (c) 2006-2013 redefinery (Jeffrey R. Almasol). \n" +
        "All rights reserved.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "This script displays a palette with controls for slicing the selected layer into a grid. Slicing works best with non-rotated layers. If a parent null layer is created, it will be anchored at the layer's current anchor point.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "You can shrink each slice's mask by increasing the Margin value (in pixels), and rounding its corners by increasing the Roundness value (percentage of half the shorter of the layer's width or height).\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Note: This version of the script requires After Effects CS5 or later. It can be used as a dockable panel by placing the script in a ScriptUI Panels subfolder of the Scripts folder, and then choosing this script from the Window menu.\n" +
        "\n" +
        "Originally requested by Anthony Lassiter and Chris Meyer.\n" +
        "Enhancements requested by Matt Silverman."

    // rd_Slicer_localize()
    // Description:
    // This function localizes the given string variable based on the current locale.
    // Parameters:
    //   strVar - The string variable's name.
    // Returns:
    // String.
    function rd_Slicer_localize(strVar)
        return strVar["en"];

    // rd_Slicer_buildUI()
    // Description:
    // This function builds the user interface.
    // Parameters:
    // thisObj - Panel object (if script is launched from Window menu); null otherwise.
    // Returns:
    // Window or Panel object representing the built user interface.
    function rd_Slicer_buildUI(thisObj)
        function rd_Slicer_limitNum(src, minVal, maxVal)
            var value = parseInt(src.text);

            if (isNaN(value) || (value < minVal))
                value = minVal;
            else if (value > maxVal)
                value = maxVal;
            src.text = value.toString();

        var pal = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", rd_SlicerData.scriptName, undefined, {resizeable:true});

        if (pal !== null)
            var res = 
            "group { \
                orientation:'column', alignment:['fill','top'], \
                header: Group { \
                    alignment:['fill','top'], \
                    title: StaticText { text:'" + rd_SlicerData.scriptName + "', alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                    help: Button { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strHelp) +"', maximumSize:[30,20], alignment:['right','center'] }, \
                }, \
                r1: Group { \
                    alignment:['fill','top'], \
                    rowsLbl: StaticText { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strRows) + "' }, \
                    rows: EditText { text:'4', characters:4, preferredSize:[-1,20] }, \
                    gap: StaticText { text:'  ' }, \
                    marginLbl: StaticText { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strMargin) + "' }, \
                    margin: EditText { text:'0', characters:4, preferredSize:[-1,20] }, \
                }, \
                r2: Group { \
                    alignment:['fill','top'], \
                    colsLbl: StaticText { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strCols) + "' }, \
                    cols: EditText { text:'3', characters:4, preferredSize:[-1,20] }, \
                    gap: StaticText { text:'  ' }, \
                    roundnessLbl: StaticText { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strRoundness) + "' }, \
                    roundness: EditText { text:'0', characters:4, preferredSize:[-1,20] }, \
                }, \
                useAlphaAdd: Checkbox { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strUseAlphaAdd) + "', value:true, alignment:['left','top'] }, \
                parentToNull: Checkbox { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strParentNull) + "', value:true, alignment:['left','top'] }, \
                cmds: Group { \
                    alignment:['right','top'], \
                    sliceBtn: Button { text:'" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strSlice) + "', preferredSize:[-1,20] }, \
                }, \
            pal.grp = pal.add(res);

            pal.grp.r2.margins.top = -5;

            pal.grp.r2.colsLbl.preferredSize.width = pal.grp.r1.rowsLbl.preferredSize.width;
            pal.grp.r1.marginLbl.preferredSize.width = pal.grp.r2.roundnessLbl.preferredSize.width;

            pal.grp.minimumSize = pal.grp.size;
            pal.onResizing = pal.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();}

            pal.grp.r1.rows.onChange = function () {rd_Slicer_limitNum(pal.grp.r1.rows, 1, 999);};
            pal.grp.r2.cols.onChange = function () {rd_Slicer_limitNum(pal.grp.r2.cols, 1, 999);};
            pal.grp.r1.margin.onChange = function () {rd_Slicer_limitNum(pal.grp.r1.margin, 0, 999);};
            pal.grp.r2.roundness.onChange = function () {rd_Slicer_limitNum(pal.grp.r2.roundness, 0, 100);};

            pal.grp.header.help.onClick = function () {alert(rd_SlicerData.scriptTitle + "\n" + rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strHelpText), rd_SlicerData.scriptName);}
            pal.grp.cmds.sliceBtn.onClick = rd_Slicer_doSliceLayer;

        return pal;

    // rd_Slicer_doSliceLayer()
    // Description:
    // This function performs the actual slicing of the selected layer.
    // Parameters:
    // None.
    // Returns:
    // Nothing.
    function rd_Slicer_doSliceLayer()
        // Check that a project exists
        if (app.project === null)

        // Get the current (active/frontmost) comp
        var comp = app.project.activeItem;

        if ((comp === null) || !(comp instanceof CompItem))
            alert(rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strErrNoCompSel), rd_SlicerData.scriptName);

        // If no single layer is selected, nothing to do
        if (comp.selectedLayers.length !== 1)
            alert(rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strErrNoSingleAVLayerSel), rd_SlicerData.scriptName);

        var layer = comp.selectedLayers[0];

        // If no single AV layer is selected, nothing to do
        if (!(layer instanceof AVLayer))
            alert(rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strErrNoSingleAVLayerSel), rd_SlicerData.scriptName);

        var rows = parseInt(this.parent.parent.r1.rows.text);
        var cols = parseInt(this.parent.parent.r2.cols.text);
        var margin = parseInt(this.parent.parent.r1.margin.text);
        var roundness = parseInt(this.parent.parent.r2.roundness.text);

        var useAlphaAdd = this.parent.parent.useAlphaAdd.value;
        var parentToNull = this.parent.parent.parentToNull.value;

        // Slice the layer

        var layerPos = layer.position.value;
        var layerAPt = layer.anchorPoint.value;
        var layerScale = layer.scale.value;
        var layerWidth = layer.width;
        var layerHeight = layer.height;

        var halfLength = (((layerWidth < layerHeight) ? (layerWidth / 2) : (layerHeight / 2)) - margin * 2) * roundness / 200;

        var maxCoordsStr = (" (" + rows.toString() + "," + cols.toString() + ")").length;   // Max length of the coordinates string

        var cellWidth = layerWidth / cols;
        var cellHeight = layerHeight / rows;
        var currX = 0;
        var currY = 0;
        var currCell, mask, s;

        var compAdjLayerWidth = layerWidth * layerScale[0] / 100 * layer.source.pixelAspect / comp.pixelAspect;
        var compAdjLayerHeight = layerHeight * layerScale[1] / 100;
        var compAdjOffsetX = compAdjLayerWidth / cols;
        var compAdjOffsetY = compAdjLayerHeight / rows;
        var compAdjCurrX = compAdjOffsetX / 2 - (layerAPt[0] * layerScale[0] / 100 * layer.source.pixelAspect / comp.pixelAspect - layerPos[0]);
        var compAdjCurrY = compAdjOffsetY / 2 - (layerAPt[1] * layerScale[1] / 100 - layerPos[1]);

        // Create null, if requested, above the selected layer
        if (parentToNull)
            var parentNull = comp.layers.addNull(comp.duration);
            parentNull.name = layer.name + " Slices";

        // Iterate over the rows and columns of the grid
        for (var r=1; r<=rows; r++)
            for (var c=1; c<=cols; c++)
                // Duplicate the layer, name it after the grid coordinates, and place the dupe just above the original layer
                currCell = layer.duplicate();
                currCell.name = layer.name + " (" + r.toString() + "," + c.toString() + ")";

                // Trim the cell using a mask
                mask = currCell.property("Masks").addProperty("Mask");
                if (mask !== null)
                    s = new Shape();
                    if (s !== null)
                        if ((margin === 0) && (roundness === 0))        // Simplify the vertices for non-rounded corners
                            s.vertices = [ 
                                [currX + margin, currY + margin],                               // UL
                                [currX + cellWidth - margin, currY + margin],                   // UR
                                [currX + cellWidth - margin, currY + cellHeight - margin],  // BR
                                [currX + margin, currY + cellHeight - margin]                   // BL
                            s.vertices = [ 
                                [currX + margin, currY + margin + halfLength],                              // UL
                                [currX + margin + halfLength, currY + margin],                              // UL
                                [currX + cellWidth - margin - halfLength, currY + margin],                  // UR
                                [currX + cellWidth - margin, currY + margin + halfLength],                  // UR
                                [currX + cellWidth - margin, currY + cellHeight - margin - halfLength], // LR
                                [currX + cellWidth - margin - halfLength, currY + cellHeight - margin], // LR
                                [currX + margin + halfLength, currY + cellHeight - margin],                 // LL
                                [currX + margin, currY + cellHeight - margin - halfLength]                  // LL

                            s.inTangents = [
                                [0, 0],             // UL
                                [-halfLength/2, 0], // UL
                                [0, 0],             // UR
                                [0, -halfLength/2], // UR
                                [0, 0],             // LR
                                [halfLength/2, 0],  // LR
                                [0, 0],             // LL
                                [0, halfLength/2]       // LL

                            s.outTangents = [
                                [0, -halfLength/2], // UL
                                [0, 0],             // UL
                                [halfLength/2, 0],  // UR
                                [0, -halfLength/2], // UR
                                [0, halfLength/2],  // LR
                                [0, 0],             // LR
                                [-halfLength/2, 0], // LL
                                [0, 0]                  // LL
                        s.closed = true;

                //$.writeln("row "+r+", col "+c+": center="+currX+","+currY);

                // Center the anchor point
                currCell.anchorPoint.setValue([currX + cellWidth / 2, currY + cellHeight / 2]);
                currCell.position.setValue([compAdjCurrX, compAdjCurrY]);

                // Change blending mode to Alpha Add, if requested
                if (useAlphaAdd)
                    currCell.blendingMode = BlendingMode.ALPHA_ADD;

                // Attach to parent null, if requested
                if (parentToNull)
                    currCell.parent = parentNull;

                // Move to next column position
                currX += cellWidth;
                compAdjCurrX += compAdjOffsetX;

            // Move to first column position of next row
            currX = 0;
            currY += cellHeight;
            compAdjCurrX = compAdjOffsetX / 2 - (layerAPt[0] * layerScale[0] / 100 * layer.source.pixelAspect / comp.pixelAspect - layerPos[0]);
            compAdjCurrY += compAdjOffsetY;

        // Mute the original layer
        layer.enabled = false;


    // main code:

    if (parseFloat(app.version) < 10.0)
        alert(rd_Slicer_localize(rd_SlicerData.strMinAE100), rd_SlicerData.scriptName);
        // Build and show the console's floating palette
        var rdsPal = rd_Slicer_buildUI(thisObj);
        if (rdsPal !== null)
            // Update UI values, if saved in the settings
            if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_rows"))
                rdsPal.grp.r1.rows.text = parseInt(app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_rows")).toString();
            if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_cols"))
                rdsPal.grp.r2.cols.text = parseInt(app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_cols")).toString();
            if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_margin"))
                rdsPal.grp.r1.margin.text = parseInt(app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_margin")).toString();
            if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_roundness"))
                rdsPal.grp.r2.roundness.text = parseInt(app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_roundness")).toString();
            if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_useAlphaAdd"))
                rdsPal.grp.useAlphaAdd.value = !(app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_useAlphaAdd") === "false");
            if (app.settings.haveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_parentToNull"))
                rdsPal.grp.parentToNull.value = !(app.settings.getSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_parentToNull") === "false");

            // Save current UI settings upon closing the palette
            rdsPal.onClose = function()
                app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_rows", rdsPal.grp.r1.rows.text);
                app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_cols", rdsPal.grp.r2.cols.text);
                app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_margin", rdsPal.grp.r1.margin.text);
                app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_roundness", rdsPal.grp.r2.roundness.text);
                app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_useAlphaAdd", rdsPal.grp.useAlphaAdd.value);
                app.settings.saveSetting("redefinery", "rd_Slicer_parentToNull", rdsPal.grp.parentToNull.value);

            if (rdsPal instanceof Window)
                // Show the palette



【脚本案例】渲染指定图层 rd_Render Layers

2021-10-2 9:17:49



2021-10-3 16:29:54

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