
rd_Scooter 脚本拆解出来的


var propGroup = app.project.activeItem.layer(1) //定义属性组,图层也是属性组
rd_Scooter_scootAllPropGroupKeys(propGroup, -10) //偏移-10秒
function rd_Scooter_shiftKeyToNewTime(prop, keyToCopy, offset, keyToRemove) {

    // Remember the key's settings before creating the new setting, just in case creating the new key affects keyToCopy's settings
    // 记住旧关键帧的设置,然后基于该设置,创建新关键帧

    var inInterp = prop.keyInInterpolationType(keyToCopy);    // 入点插值类型
    var outInterp = prop.keyOutInterpolationType(keyToCopy);  //出点插值类型
    var keyToCopyValue = prop.keyValue(keyToCopy);            // 关键帧值

    // 判断贝塞尔
    if ((inInterp === KeyframeInterpolationType.BEZIER) && (outInterp === KeyframeInterpolationType.BEZIER)) {
        var tempAutoBezier = prop.keyTemporalAutoBezier(keyToCopy);
        var tempContBezier = prop.keyTemporalContinuous(keyToCopy);
    if (outInterp !== KeyframeInterpolationType.HOLD) {
        var inTempEase = prop.keyInTemporalEase(keyToCopy);
        var outTempEase = prop.keyOutTemporalEase(keyToCopy);
    if ((prop.propertyValueType === PropertyValueType.TwoD_SPATIAL) || (prop.propertyValueType === PropertyValueType.ThreeD_SPATIAL)) {
        var spatAutoBezier = prop.keySpatialAutoBezier(keyToCopy);
        var spatContBezier = prop.keySpatialContinuous(keyToCopy);
        var inSpatTangent = prop.keyInSpatialTangent(keyToCopy);
        var outSpatTangent = prop.keyOutSpatialTangent(keyToCopy);
        var roving = prop.keyRoving(keyToCopy);

    // Create the new keyframe
    // 创建新关键帧

    var newTime = prop.keyTime(keyToCopy) + offset;
    var newKeyIndex = prop.addKey(newTime);
    prop.setValueAtKey(newKeyIndex, keyToCopyValue);

    if (outInterp !== KeyframeInterpolationType.HOLD) {
        prop.setTemporalEaseAtKey(newKeyIndex, inTempEase, outTempEase);

    // Copy over the keyframe settings

    prop.setInterpolationTypeAtKey(newKeyIndex, inInterp, outInterp);

    if ((inInterp === KeyframeInterpolationType.BEZIER) && (outInterp === KeyframeInterpolationType.BEZIER) && tempContBezier) {
        prop.setTemporalContinuousAtKey(newKeyIndex, tempContBezier);
        prop.setTemporalAutoBezierAtKey(newKeyIndex, tempAutoBezier);       // Implies Continuous, so do after it

    if ((prop.propertyValueType === PropertyValueType.TwoD_SPATIAL) || (prop.propertyValueType === PropertyValueType.ThreeD_SPATIAL)) {
        prop.setSpatialContinuousAtKey(newKeyIndex, spatContBezier);
        prop.setSpatialAutoBezierAtKey(newKeyIndex, spatAutoBezier);        // Implies Continuous, so do after it

        prop.setSpatialTangentsAtKey(newKeyIndex, inSpatTangent, outSpatTangent);

        prop.setRovingAtKey(newKeyIndex, roving);

    // Remove the old keyframe
    // 移除旧关键帧

// 循环属性组
function rd_Scooter_scootAllPropGroupKeys(propGroup, offset) {
    var prop

    // Iterate over the specified property group's properties
    for (var i = 1; i <= propGroup.numProperties; i++) {

        prop = propGroup.property(i);
        if (prop.propertyType === PropertyType.PROPERTY)            // Found a property:找到一个属性
            if (prop.matchName === "ADBE Marker")               // Skip markers; they're processed separately:跳过标记
            if (!prop.isTimeVarying)                            // Skip properties that aren't keyframed :跳过不变值

            // Loop through the property's keyframes in the direction such that new keyframes will not affect the indices of existing keyframes
            // 循环属性的关键帧

            if (offset > 0) {
                for (var j = prop.numKeys; j >= 1; j--)
                    rd_Scooter_shiftKeyToNewTime(prop, j, offset, j);
            else {
                for (var j = 1; j <= prop.numKeys; j++)
                    rd_Scooter_shiftKeyToNewTime(prop, j, offset, j + 1);
        else if (prop.propertyType === PropertyType.INDEXED_GROUP)  // Found an indexed group, so check its nested properties:
            rd_Scooter_scootAllPropGroupKeys(prop, offset);
        else if (prop.propertyType === PropertyType.NAMED_GROUP)    // Found a named group, so check its nested properties
            rd_Scooter_scootAllPropGroupKeys(prop, offset);




2021-9-30 18:52:32



2021-10-1 22:13:04

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