【事件监听】按键监听与按键表 | 键盘按键

姊妹篇: 事件监听 鼠标篇



var w = new Window('palette{ margins : 0 , spacing : 2 , properties : {},\
lb : ListBox{ alignment : ["fill","fill"] , preferredSize : [200,-1] , properties : { items : ["menu1","menu2","menu3"] } }\

w.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
    if (e.keyName == "Escape") this.close();


注:[sc name="keyword" ]keydown[/sc]是按键按下。


var dialog = new Window("dialog");
dialog.text = "Dialog";

var button1 = dialog.add("button", undefined, undefined, { name: "button1" });
button1.text = "按钮";

button1.onClick = btn_click
function btn_click() {
    if (ScriptUI.environment.keyboardState.shiftKey === true) {
        // 执行按住shift后要执行的函数代码



JS 工具文档事件监听



backspace 8 Backspace Backspace
tab 9 Tab Tab
enter 13 Enter Enter
shift(left) 16 Shift ShiftLeft event.shiftKey is true
shift(right) 16 Shift ShiftRight event.shiftKey is true
ctrl(left) 17 Control ControlLeft event.ctrlKey is true
ctrl(right) 17 Control ControlRight event.ctrlKey is true
alt(left) 18 Alt AltLeft event.altKey is true
alt(right) 18 Alt AltRight event.altKey is true
pause/break 19 Pause Pause
caps lock 20 CapsLock CapsLock
escape 27 Escape Escape
space 32 Space The event.key value is a single space.
page up 33 PageUp PageUp
page down 34 PageDown PageDown
end 35 End End
home 36 Home Home
left arrow 37 ArrowLeft ArrowLeft
up arrow 38 ArrowUp ArrowUp
right arrow 39 ArrowRight ArrowRight
down arrow 40 ArrowDown ArrowDown
print screen 44 PrintScreen PrintScreen
insert 45 Insert Insert
delete 46 Delete Delete
0 48 0 Digit0
1 49 1 Digit1
2 50 2 Digit2
3 51 3 Digit3
4 52 4 Digit4
5 53 5 Digit5
6 54 6 Digit6
7 55 7 Digit7
8 56 8 Digit8
9 57 9 Digit9
a 65 a KeyA
b 66 b KeyB
c 67 c KeyC
d 68 d KeyD
e 69 e KeyE
f 70 f KeyF
g 71 g KeyG
h 72 h KeyH
i 73 i KeyI
j 74 j KeyJ
k 75 k KeyK
l 76 l KeyL
m 77 m KeyM
n 78 n KeyN
o 79 o KeyO
p 80 p KeyP
q 81 q KeyQ
r 82 r KeyR
s 83 s KeyS
t 84 t KeyT
u 85 u KeyU
v 86 v KeyV
w 87 w KeyW
x 88 x KeyX
y 89 y KeyY
z 90 z KeyZ
left window key 91 Meta MetaLeft event.metaKey is true
right window key 92 Meta MetaRight event.metaKey is true
select key (Context Menu) 93 ContextMenu ContextMenu
numpad 0 96 0 Numpad0
numpad 1 97 1 Numpad1
numpad 2 98 2 Numpad2
numpad 3 99 3 Numpad3
numpad 4 100 4 Numpad4
numpad 5 101 5 Numpad5
numpad 6 102 6 Numpad6
numpad 7 103 7 Numpad7
numpad 8 104 8 Numpad8
numpad 9 105 9 Numpad9
multiply 106 * NumpadMultiply
add 107 + NumpadAdd
subtract 109 NumpadSubtract
decimal point 110 . NumpadDecimal
divide 111 / NumpadDivide
f1 112 F1 F1
f2 113 F2 F2
f3 114 F3 F3
f4 115 F4 F4
f5 116 F5 F5
f6 117 F6 F6
f7 118 F7 F7
f8 119 F8 F8
f9 120 F9 F9
f10 121 F10 F10
f11 122 F11 F11
f12 123 F12 F12
num lock 144 NumLock NumLock
scroll lock 145 ScrollLock ScrollLock
audio volume mute 173 AudioVolumeMute ⚠️ The event.which value is 181 in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, VolumeMute
audio volume down 174 AudioVolumeDown ⚠️ The event.which value is 182 in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, VolumeDown
audio volume up 175 AudioVolumeUp ⚠️ The event.which value is 183 in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, VolumeUp
media player 181 LaunchMediaPlayer ⚠️ The ️event.which value is 0(no value) in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, MediaSelect
launch application 1 182 LaunchApplication1 ⚠️ The ️event.which value is 0(no value) in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, LaunchApp1
launch application 2 183 LaunchApplication2 ⚠️ The ️event.which value is 0(no value) in Firefox. Also FF provides the code value as, LaunchApp2
semi-colon 186 ; Semicolon ⚠️ The event.which value is 59 in Firefox
equal sign 187 = Equal ⚠️ The event.which value is 61 in Firefox
comma 188 , Comma
dash 189 Minus ⚠️ The event.which value is 173 in Firefox
period 190 . Period
forward slash 191 / Slash
Backquote/Grave accent 192 ` Backquote
open bracket 219 [ BracketLeft
back slash 220 \ Backslash
close bracket 221 ] BracketRight
single quote 222 Quote



2021-10-12 21:41:49



2021-10-14 1:02:43

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